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Is Your Business Using Regulated Chemicals? Watch your profits evaporate

Publication number Date Published
97-213jMarch 1998
VIEW NOW Is Your Business Using Regulated Chemicals? Watch your profits evaporate (Number of pages: 2) (Publication Size: 75KB)

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Author(s) Bernard Brady
Description On Nov. 15, 1990, the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) were signed into law. Thousands of small businesses are affected by the amendments' controls on small air pollution sources. The requirements affecting small
business owners and operators depends on how badly the local air is polluted, and the kinds and quantities of pollutants their businesses emit. Auto body shops, bakeries, distilleries, dry cleaners, fiberglass fabricators, foundries, furniture manufacturers, gasoline service stations, general contractors, metal finishers and fabricators, photo finishing laboratories, printing shops, and other small businesses may be affected by the air pollution control programs the law may require.
Complying with the law's requirements, however, is not the only cost that influences your bottom line.
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Keywords auto body shops, fiberglass, printing, fiber, amendment, law, Chemicals, business, chemical, metal plating, pH, gasoline, dry cleaner, construction, auto body, automotive, bakery
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