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Yelm Groundwater Baseline Sampling

Publication number Date Published
98-301January 1998
VIEW NOW Yelm Groundwater Baseline Sampling (Number of pages: 57) (Publication Size: 2MB)

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Author(s) Erickson, D.
Description Twenty-three private water-supply wells were sampled bimonthly for one year to define nitrate concentrations in groundwater in a seven square mile area east of the city of Yelm. Twenty-two of the sampled wells tapped the principal aquifer, the Advance Outwash Aquifer that occurs at a depth of 70 to 100 feet below the ground surface. One sampled well tapped the uppermost aquifer that is little used for drinking water, because it is considered susceptible to contamination from surface activities.
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Keywords drinking water, sampling, nitrogen, wells, study, water, water quality, nitrate, nitrite, groundwater, ground water, fecal coliform, chloride, aquifer
WEB PAGE Groundwater quality assessment
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 11 Nisqually
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #YELMGW