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Evaluation of R-Emap Techniques for the Measurement of Ecological Integrity of Streams in Washington State's Coast Range Ecoregion. Article in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 51:345-355, 1998. (Historical)

Publication number Date Published
98-e04January 1998
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Author(s) White, J. and G. Merritt
Description We used methods from EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) to assess the regional status of streams within the Coast Range ecoregion of Washington State. Study objectives were: to determine the ecological condition of wadable, 1st-order through 3rd-order streams; to provide information for the development of water quality biological criteria; and to determine the applicability of EMAP-derived methods in Washington. Stream condition was assessed using EMAP indicators for habitat (chemical and physical) and biology (invertebrate and vertebrate assemblages).
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Keywords stream, non-point source, protocol, invertebrates, measurement, methods, environmental, coast range, evaluation, study, order, water, water quality, assessment, monitoring, pH