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Mobile Fueling of On-Road Vehicles

Publication number Date Published
99-02January 1999
VIEW NOW Mobile Fueling of On-Road Vehicles (Number of pages: 18) (Publication Size: 55KB)

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Author(s) Louthain, J. and Barrett, T.
Description This study of mobile fueling of on-road vehicles was performed by the Department of Ecology with assistance from representatives of the fueling industry who have an interest in or a concern about mobile fueling practices. A survey form was developed for this project and sent to all licensed fuel distributors in the state. The key elements of this study were the data received from the completed survey forms and the follow-up visits with those fuel distributors who agreed to Ecology observing their fueling practices.

Although not all those fuel distributors who do on-road mobile fueling in the state of Washington chose to submit completed survey forms, enough information was gathered to learn that there is a significant amount of diesel fuel being mobile-fueled to on-road vehicles. Information from 16 completed survey
forms showed that nearly one million gallons of diesel fuel is being mobile fueled per month, and that a high percentage of the mobile fueling in the state is occurring in the Puget Sound area.

This report recommends that mobile fueling of on-road vehicles be allowed to continue in the state of Washington and that the Department of Ecology develop best management practices for stormwater management for prevention of pollution of surface and ground waters.
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Keywords vehicle, fuel, study, information, water, Puget Sound