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Concise Explanatory Statement: Revision to the Motor Vehicle Emission Rule - Increased Test Fee (Historical)

Publication number Date Published
99-214November 1999
VIEW NOW This publication is historical. It is unavailable on our website. To request a copy, please use the contact listed below.
Author(s) John Raymond
Description The Department of Ecology is responsible for setting the test fee at emission check stations. State law requires that the test fee recover both the costs to the state for tests conducted by the privately operated test stations, and Ecology's appropriation from the Legislature to administer the Emission Check Program. An increased test fee is needed in 2000 because inflation has increased the cost of operating the test stations, and fewer motorists will share these costs. The state has negotiated an extension of the contract with Envirotest, Inc., the operator of emission check stations, until June 30, 2002. Higher test costs are due to inflation, wage increases, and the 15-20 percent fewer tests expected in 2000. To keep within the $15 limit in the state law and still operate all the test stations, some cost-cutting contract changes were made. These changes include reduced test station hours, fewer operating test station lanes, and shortened test procedures. The rule was adopted on November 22, 1999, and became effective December 31, 1999. This document provides a summary of public comments on the proposed rule changes, and Ecology's responses to them.
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Contact John Raymond at 360-407-6856
Keywords emission testing, state law, rule responsiveness summary, legislature, motor vehicle, vehicle, law, fee, emission, emission check, concise explanatory statement