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Water Quality Program Financial Assistance for Fiscal Year 2001 -- Volume One: Guidelines

Publication number Date Published
99-40December 1999
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Author(s) Financial Management Section
Description These guidelines describe how to apply for water quality financial assistance from the Washington State Department of Ecology. The funding programs included in these Guidelines are the Centennial Clean Water Fund (Centennial), which may provide grants or loans, the Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (SRF), a loan only program, and the Clean Water Act Section 319 Nonpoint Source Fund (Section 319), a grant only program. The guidelines also explain what will be required of an applicant if a grant or loan is awarded. The Table of Contents lists the topics covered in each section to make this document easy to use. Ecology does not intend these guidelines to be a comprehensive listing and explanation of all laws, statutes, and policies that may apply to Centennial, SRF, or Section 319 funding. Rather, they facilitate the application process and initial steps of administering a funded project. Applicants should request additional information and consultation whenever they feel they need it.
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Keywords award, publications, nonpoint, appendices, financial, Centennial, guidelines, law, fee, internet, code, loans, Nonpoint Source fund, Section 319, Centennial Clean Water Fund, water, water quality, quality, SEPA, pollution, pollution control, loan, financial assistance, grant

Water Quality Program Financial Assistance for Fiscal Year 2001 -- Volume Two: Appendices -- Ecology Publication Number 99-40 (Vol. 2)