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A Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Duck Lake Area, Okanogan County, Washington

Publication number Date Published
OFTR 61-01January 1961
VIEW NOW A Preliminary Report on the Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Duck Lake Area, Okanogan County, Washington (Number of pages: 20) (Publication Size: 1008KB)

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Author(s) Eugene Wallace
Description This study was initiated in March of 1958 by the Division of Water Resources of the Department of Conservation as part of a continuing program for the collection and
interpretation of basic data concerning the ground-water supply of the State of Washington.
The need for such a study first became apparent in June, 1954 when the directors of the
Okanogan irrigation District went on record as opposing the granting of any future groundwater permits in the Duck Lake storage area. The petition submitted by the district resulted from a ground-water permit being granted to withdraw 800 gpm limited to 528 acre-feet annually for the irrigation of 132 acres. The district felt that the withdrawal of water from the Smith well had a definite effect on the water level of Duck Lake. Consequently, they believed that should additional ground-water rights be perfected in the Duck Lake storage area, a potentially critical situation could develop. That is, in the event of a prolonged drought, the storage area would be so depleted by ground-water withdrawals that it would not be possible for the district to fully exercise its right to pump from Duck Lake. Another need for the study evolved from a review of the records of the Division of Water Resources. In this review it was noted that most ground-water rights in the Duck Lake area were granted with a certain degree of apprehension--the thought being that during normal water years such as have been exhibited for the most part since the early thirties, there would be ample water for ail users. However, the question of availability of water during a series of dry years has led the division to a cautious approach, and in most rights granted, the applicant has been advised of possible regulation of withdrawal on a priority basis if the need should arise.
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Keywords geology, water resource, water resources, ground water
WEB PAGE Okanogan Watershed Planning
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 49 Okanogan