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Estimated baseflow characteristics of selected Washington rivers and streams

Publication number Date Published
WSB 60January 1999
VIEW NOW Estimated baseflow characteristics of selected Washington rivers and streams (Number of pages: 221) (Publication Size: 3295KB)

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Author(s) Water Resources Program
Description Estimated baseflow characteristics of selected Washington rivers and streams. Water Supply Bulletin 60 (1999) evaluates the groundwater contribution to total streamflow (baseflow) at active and inactive stream gaging stations throughout Washington State, using automated hydrograph separation techniques. Discharge records for 582 gaging stations, with at least three complete water years of daily mean streamflow data, were downloaded from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) database and analyzed. In addition, station characteristics were compiled for each gage, including period of streamflow record, type and degree of regulation affecting the gage, watershed drainage area, USGS station number, station name, and gage location. This bulletin includes monthly and annual stream discharge summaries for modeled stream gages in Washington State.
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