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Solid Waste Management (1015 publications 1982-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Solid Waste in Washington State, Eighth Annual Status Report 99-509December 1999
GO Recycle! Black and White Poster 99-515October 1999
Reduce-Reuse-Recycle Black and White Poster 99-514October 1999
1999-01 Interim Remedial Action Grant Guidelines Application Form 99-505aOctober 1999
2000-01 Community Litter Cleanup Program-Information and Application Instructions 98-502October 1999
2000-01 Coordinated Prevention Grants Guidelines - Application Form 99-507aJuly 1999
2000-01 Coordinated Prevention Grants Guidelines 99-507July 1999
Managing Nitrogen from Biosolids 99-508June 1999
Guidelines for the Development of Local Solid Waste Management Plans and Plan Revisions 99-502June 1999
Guidelines for the Development of Local Solid Waste Management Plans and Plan Revisions 90-11June 1999
Grants Dollars at Work: Protecting the Environment, Achieving Results 99-501May 1999
Focus Sheet: Plastics - Recycling by the Numbers 98-506May 1999
Frequently Asked Questions: Litter Survey and Sort 99-1528January 1999
Ecology Youth Corps: Median Team Handbook 98-510January 1999