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Grants and Loans (370 publications 1993-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
2017-19 Biennial Municipal Stormwater Grants of Regional or Statewide Significance 17-10-033November 2017
Annual Report: Washington's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) - for State Fiscal Year 2017 17-10-030October 2017
Toxics Cleanup Program Policy 560B: Granting Mixed Funding for LUST Cleanups 17-09-326October 2017
Grant Proposal Requirements and Guidelines: Coastal Protection Fund Resource Damage Assessment 17-08-017September 2017
Funding Guidelines 2017-2019 Biennium: Oil Spill and Hazardous Materials Response and Firefighting Equipment 17-08-016September 2017
Public Participation Grants 2017-19 Application Evaluation Report 17-07-027September 2017
Final Regulatory Analyses: Chapter 173-312 and 173-313 WAC 17-07-022September 2017
Funding Guidelines - State Fiscal Year 2019: Water Quality Financial Assistance 17-10-019August 2017
Concise Explanatory Statement: Chapter 173-98 WAC - Uses and Limitations of the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 17-10-018August 2017
Rule Implementation Plan: Chapter 173-98-WAC - Uses and Limitations of the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 17-10-017August 2017
Administrative Requirements for Recipients of Ecology Grants and Loans (Yellow Book) 17-01-004August 2017
Public Participation Grants 17-07-008July 2017
Terry Husseman Account (THA) Grants – Funding Guidelines 16-06-013June 2017
Preliminary Regulatory Analyses: Chapter 173-312 WAC - Coordinated Prevention Grants and Chapter 173-313 WAC Local Solid Waste Enforcement Grant Regulation 17-07-009May 2017
State Fiscal Year 2018 Draft Water Quality Funding Offer List and Intended Use Plan 17-10-003January 2017
State Fiscal Year 2017 Final Equipment Cache Funding Offer List 17-08-004January 2017
2017-19 Community Litter Cleanup Program: Guidelines and Application Instructions 17-07-002January 2017