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Lakes (531 publications 1955-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Total Maximum Daily Load Effectiveness Monitoring Study: Lakes Erie and Campbell 04-03-206September 2004
Whatcom Creek Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Study 04-03-015August 2004
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lake Tapps Monitoring 04-03-204July 2004
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lake Bacteria Sampling Project 04-03-202July 2004
Verification of 303(d)-listed Sites in Northwest, Central, and Eastern Regions of Washington State 04-03-035July 2004
Focus on Lake-Friendly Landscaping 04-10-046June 2004
Mercury in Lake Whatcom Sediments: Spatial Distribution, Depositional History, and Tributary Inputs 04-03-019June 2004
Total Maximum Daily Load for Total Dissolved Gas in the Mid-Columbia River and Lake Roosevelt 04-03-002June 2004
Cottage Lake Total Maximum Daily Load Analysis: Submittal Report 03-10-085June 2004
Nutrient Criteria Development in Washington State - Phosphorus 04-10-033May 2004
Trophic State Census of Washington State Lakes by Satellite Imagery 04-03-011March 2004
Spokane River and Lake Spokane (Long Lake) Pollutant Loading Assessment for Protecting Dissolved Oxygen 04-03-006February 2004
Focus on Cottage Lake Cleanup Plan 04-10-013January 2004
Lower Skagit River Tributaries Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Study 04-03-001January 2004