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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
DDT in Osoyoos Lake Fish 98-337December 1998
1998 Sediment Trap Monitoring of Suspended Particulates in Stormwater Discharges (Thea Foss) 98-336December 1998
Marine Sediment Monitoring Program I - Chemistry and Toxicity Testing. 1989-1995 98-323August 1998
Data Appendix (Appendix D): Washington State Dioxin Source Assessment 98-321July 1998
Washington State Dioxin Source Assessment 98-320July 1998
Assessment of Metals Contamination in Sediments of Gibbons Creek Remnant Channel 98-315May 1998
Washington State Pesticide Monitoring Program: 1995 Fish Tissue Sampling Report 98-312May 1998
Chemical Evaluation of Intertidal Sediments at Boulevard Park, Bellingham, WA 98-308xApril 1998
Washington State Pesticide Monitoring Program: 1996 Surface Water Sampling Report 98-305March 1998
Washington State Pesticide Monitoring Program: 1995 Surface Water Sampling Report 98-300January 1998