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Rule Implementation Plans (129 publications 2002-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Rule Implementation Plan for Chapter 173-423 WAC, Clean Vehicles Program and Chapter 173-400 WAC General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources 22-02-068December 2022
Rule Implementation Plan for Chapter 173-424 WAC, Clean Fuels Program Rule & Chapter 173-455 WAC, Air Quality Fee Rule 22-02-056November 2022
Rule Implementation Plan: Chapter 173-446 WAC, Climate Commitment Act 22-02-045September 2022
Rule Implementation Plan: Chapter 173-446A, Criteria for Emissions Intensive, Trade Exposed Industries 22-02-012June 2022
Rule Implementation Plan: Chapter 173-441 WAC Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 22-02-003February 2022