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Sediments (707 publications 1969-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Quartermaster Harbor: Dockton: A Reconnaissance Survey of Nearshore Sediments. 86-e38November 1986
Application of the Triad Approach to Freshwater Sediment Assessment: An Initial Investigation of Sediment Quality Near Gas Works Park, Lake Union. 86-e41October 1986
Results of PCB Analysis on Sediment Samples from General Metals. 86-e30October 1986
Chemical Contamination of Ground Water, Intertidal Seepage and Sediments On and Near Wyckoff Company Property: Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island. 86-e40September 1986
Occurrence and Significance of DDT Compounds and Other Contaminants in Fish, Water, and Sediment from the Yakima River Basin 86-5July 1986
Results of Priority Pollutant Analyses on Water, Sediment, and Clam Samples Collected in Lower Budd Inlet near McFarland Cascade, Olympia, WA, August 14, 1985. 86-e32February 1986