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Wastewater/Effluent (158 publications 1972-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Weyerhaeuser Pulp Mill (Longview) Class II Inspection. 76-e51September 1976
Puyallup STP Class II Inspection. 76-e12May 1976
Georgia Pacific Chlor-Alkali Plant (Bellingham) Class II Inspection. 76-e11April 1976
Everett Sewage Lagoons. 76-e04February 1976
Coliform Densities in Grays Harbor. 76-e55January 1976
Weyerhaeuser at Snoqualmie. 76-e43January 1976
Sequim Bay State Park. 76-e34January 1976
Willapa Salmon Hatchery. 76-e32January 1976
East Point Seafoods Effluent and Receiving Water Study. 76-e31January 1976
Spring Creek Federal Hatchery. 76-e30January 1976
Receiving Water Study of City of Bingen Waterfront. 76-e29January 1976
Columbia River High School, Clark County. 76-e26January 1976
Marysville Sewage Lagoon Efficiency Survey. 76-e05January 1976
Indian Ridge Treatment Center (Sewage Lagoon). 76-e03January 1976
Monroe Reformatory Sewage Lagoons. 76-e02January 1976
Warm Beach conference Grounds Sewage Lagoon. 76-e01January 1976