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03 Lower Skagit-Samish (255 publications 1971-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Metals Concentrations in Rivers and Streams Dropped from the 1994 Section 303(d) List 95-352September 1995
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Wateryear 1994 95-349September 1995
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance Implementation Plan - 1995 Field Season 95-334July 1995
Ambient Monitoring Instream Biological Assessment: Progress Report of 1993 Pilot Survey 95-333July 1995
Water Quality Impacts from Dairies in Washington State: A Literature Review 95-326June 1995
Shell Oil Company (Anacortes) Class II Inspection 95-323May 1995
Texaco USA (Anacortes) Class II Inspection 95-314March 1995
1994 Statewide Water Quality Assessment Lakes Chapter - Companion Document to WA State 305(b) 95-311February 1995