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14 Kennedy-Goldsborough (216 publications 1957-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Condition of Coastal Waters of Washington State, 2000-2003: A Statistical Summary 07-03-051December 2007
Estuarine Flow in the South Basin of Puget Sound and its Effects on Near-Bottom Dissolved Oxygen 07-03-033October 2007
Addendum #2 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Puget Sound Water Quality Study Phase 2: Dissolved Oxygen. 07-03-101ADD2September 2007
Shelton Laundry and Cleaners, August 2006 through May 2007 Groundwater Monitoring Results 07-03-045September 2007
Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish in Washington State: 2006 Sampling Results 07-03-043September 2007
Addendum #2 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Shelton Cleaners and Laundry. 02-03-078ADD2September 2007
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Water Quality Monitoring for Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Kennedy Creek 07-10-059August 2007
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Puget Sound Water Quality Study, Phase 2: Dissolved Oxygen 07-03-101ADD1August 2007
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Water Quality Monitoring for Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Pierre Creek and Burns Creek 07-10-036July 2007