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34 Palouse (126 publications 1969-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Eliminating Dirty Discharges 07-10-066August 2007
Growing Pains in Pullman: Improving Construction Stormwater Discharges 07-10-063August 2007
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Dieldrin and PCB Monitoring of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Palouse River Watershed 07-03-111August 2007
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Palouse River Dissolved Oxygen and pH Total Maximum Daily Load Study-Water Quality Study Design 07-03-110August 2007
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Palouse River Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Water Quality Study Design 07-03-108July 2007
Palouse River Chlorinated Pesticide and PCB Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Improvement Report and Implementation Plan 07-03-018July 2007
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Palouse River Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Study 07-03-106June 2007
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Contaminants in Fish Tissue from Freshwater Environments in 2004 and 2005 07-03-024June 2007