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54 Lower Spokane (158 publications 1974-2023)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Wateryear 1993 94-158September 1994
City of Medical Lake Sewage Treatment Facility Class II Inspection 94-156September 1994
Results of 1993 Screening Survey on PCBs and Metals in the Spokane River 94-e24July 1994
1994 Spokane River Survey - Fish Tissue and Sediment Sampling Plan. 94-e05July 1994
Planar PCBs in Spokane River Fish. 94-e23May 1994
Spokane River Basin Class II Inspection at the City of Spokane Wastewater Treatment Plant 94-89May 1994
Spokane River Basin Class II Inspection at the Inland Empire Paper Company Wastewater Treatment Plant 94-88May 1994
Freshwater Ambient Monitoring Report for Wateryear 1992 94-70May 1994
Cadmium, Copper, Mercury, Lead, and Zinc in the Spokane River: Comparisons with Water Quality Standards and Recommendations for Total Maximum Daily Loads 94-99January 1994