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Air Quality (906 publications 1991-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Response to Comments: Washington State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revision for Spokane County Second 10-Year Limited Maintenance Plan for PM10 15-02-023December 2015
Sabey Intergate Data Center 15-02-022December 2015
Small Business Economic Impact Statement: Chapter 173-442 Clean Air Rule and Chapter 173-441 Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 15-02-021December 2015
Preliminary Cost-Benefit and Least-Burdensome Alternative Analysis: Chapter 173-442 Clean Air Rule and Chapter 173-441 Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 15-02-020December 2015
Washington State Clean Diesel Grants: Announcement of Funds Available and Grant Guidelines 15-02-019October 2015
PM2.5 Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance with Filter Dynamic Measurement System Operating Procedure 00-02-007September 2015
Rule Proposal Notice: Chapter 173-401 WAC, Air Operating Permit Regulation 15-02-014August 2015
Small Business Economic Impact Statement: Chapter 173-401 WAC, Operating Permit Regulation 15-02-013August 2015
Preliminary Cost-Benefit and Least-Burdensome Alternative Analyses: Chapter 173-401 WAC, Operating Permit Regulation 15-02-012August 2015
Guidance Document: First, Second, and Third Tier Review of Toxic Air Pollution Sources 08-02-025August 2015
Response to Comments: Including Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency’s Solid Fuel Burning Device Standards in the Washington State Implementation Plan (SIP) 15-02-010July 2015
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Washington State Government - Third Biennial Progress Report 14-02-030June 2015
Ecología solicita comentarios al borrador de revisiones del permiso de emisiones al aire para el Cen 15-02-009ESMay 2015
Ecology Seeks Comments on Draft Revisions to Microsoft’s Oxford Data Center Air Permit 15-02-009May 2015
Analysis of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Monitoring Data and Meteorology at March and Cherry Points 15-02-007May 2015
2015 Ambient Air Monitoring Network Report 15-02-001May 2015
Air Operating Permit Report: Fiscal Year 2014 15-02-008March 2015
Washington State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revision: Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter 15-02-006March 2015
Washington State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revision: Interstate Transport of Lead, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Ground-Level Ozone 15-02-005March 2015
Frequently Asked Questions: Spokane Solid Fuel Burning Devices Rule and a Required Revision to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) 15-02-004March 2015
Rule Adoption Notice: Chapter 173-441 WAC - Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 14-02-029January 2015
Rule Implementation Plan: Chapter 173-441 WAC- Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 14-02-028January 2015
Concise Explanatory Statement: Chapter 173-441 WAC, Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 14-02-027January 2015
Final Cost-Benefit and Least-Burdensome Alternative Analyses: Chapter 173-441 WAC - Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases 14-02-026January 2015
Achieving Attainment with Federal Air Quality Standards: Report to the Legislature 14-02-022January 2015