Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Weyerhaeuser, Longview Class II Inspection.
| 80-e24 | December 1980 |
Suspected Animal Waste Pollution Affecting Burley Lagoon. Memo.
| 80-e16 | December 1980 |
Longfellow Creek Water Quality Index Calculation.
| 80-e10 | December 1980 |
Leavenworth STP.
| 80-e04 | December 1980 |
Port Orchard Sewage Treatment Plant Class II Inspection.
| 80-e01 | December 1980 |
The Effect of Continuous Advanced Wastewater Treatment by the City of Spokane on the Trophic Status of Long Lake, WA, during 1979
| 80-11 | December 1980 |
Mercury Concentrations Detected in Fish Above and Below Cominco Operations in Trail, British Columbia. Letter to Wilbur G. Hallauer, Director from B.E. Marr, Deputy Ministry of Environment, British Columbia.
| 80-e11 | November 1980 |
Wilson Creek Drainage Surface and Ground Water Quality. Project Report DOE 80-13.
| 80-13 | November 1980 |
Granite Falls Class II.
| 80-e19 | October 1980 |
Review of Lake Chelan Water Quality Study Proposal.
| 80-e14 | October 1980 |
Review of Proposals for Discharge of Treated STP Effluent into Sinclair Inlet.
| 80-e06 | October 1980 |
Centralia STP Class II Inspection.
| 80-e05 | October 1980 |
Summary of Burley Lagoon Survey Activities.
| 80-e02 | October 1980 |
Chehalis Wastewater Treatment Plant - Class II Inspection.
| 80-e22 | September 1980 |
Analyses of Bacteriological Data Generated in Yakima Related to Post-St. Helen's Eruption Activities.
| 80-e07 | September 1980 |
Briefing Memo, Intensive Survey: Renton Wastewater Treatment Plant and Green/Duwamish River
| 80-e25 | July 1980 |
An Assessment of the Trophic Status of Deer, Loon, and Diamond Lakes
| 80-9 | July 1980 |
Hooker Chemical Corp., Tacoma, Class II Inspection.
| 80-e21 | June 1980 |
Follow-up Report -- Burley Lagoon Bacteriological Survey.
| 80-e00 | June 1980 |
Monroe Class II Inspection.
| 80-e18 | April 1980 |
Oak Harbor STP Class II Inspection and Receiving Water Study.
| 80-e08 | March 1980 |
Results of Oak Harbor Receiving Water Study, November 26 and 27, 1979.
| 79-e26 | March 1980 |
Gig Harbor GWM Plan, Hydrogeological Summary Report
| 12-03-255 | March 1980 |
ITT Rayonier/Port Angeles Class II Inspection.
| 80-e23 | February 1980 |
Receiving Water Studies at Omak and Oroville Sewage treatment Plants, September 1979.
| 80-e13 | February 1980 |
Renton STP Class II Inspection.
| 80-e17 | January 1980 |
Result of annual wastewater inspection at Longview Fibre. Letter to Richard Elliott, Longview Fibre Company, January 3, 1980.
| 80-e15 | January 1980 |
Low D.O. Values in the Chehalis River. Memo.
| 80-e09 | January 1980 |
Elma Lagoons Sewage Treatment Plant.
| 80-e03 | January 1980 |