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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Net Shore-drift in Washington State, Volume 1: Pacific Ocean and Strait of Juan de Fuca. 00-06-030October 1992
Washington State Coastal Zone Management Section 309 Assessment and Strategy, 1992 Final Report 05-06-023May 1992
Designing Wetlands Preservation Programs for Local Governments: A Summary 92-019March 1992
Designing Wetlands Preservation Programs for Local Governments: A Guide to Non-Regulatory Protection 92-018March 1992
Wetlands Mitigation Banking 92-012March 1992
Wetland Buffers: Use and Effectiveness (Appendices) 92-10aFebruary 1992
The Growth Management Act and the State Environmental Policy Act 92-07February 1992
Wetland Buffers: An Annotated Bibliography 92-011February 1992
Wetland Buffers: Use and Effectiveness 92-010February 1992
Wetland Mitigation Replacement Ratios: an Annotated Bibliography 92-009February 1992
Wetland Mitigation Replacement Ratios: Defining Equivalency 92-008February 1992
Federal Coastal Zone Management Consistency F-S-92-114January 1992
Vol 2, South Puget Sound Region 93-518January 1992
The Public Trust Doctrine in Washington State: Proceedings of the Symposium, November 18, 1992 93-053January 1992
Wetland Tales: A Collection of Stories for Wetland Education 92-17January 1992
Washington's Wetlands 92-105January 1992
The Estuary Guide: Level 3 92-074January 1992
Wetlands 92-049January 1992
Flood Hazards: Be Aware, Be Prepared 91-br-021January 1992