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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Focus Sheet: Best Available Science for Wetlands 01-06-023October 2001
Shoreline Management Act (SMA) - Guidance in Administering Permit Exemptions 01-06-012bOctober 2001
Focus Sheet: Shoreline Management - Exemptions from the Substantive Development Permit Process 01-06-012October 2001
At Home with Wetlands - A Landowners Guide 90-31August 2001
Coastal Landsliding on Puget Sound: A Review of Landslides Occurring between 1996 and 1999 01-06-019August 2001
Flood Hazards 91-br-21July 2001
Update: Watershed Planning in Eastern Washington 01-06-018May 2001
Comparison between Path A and Path B of Washington State's Shoreline Master Program Guidelines 01-06-010March 2001
Managing Washington's Coast - Appendices 00-06-029_appxFebruary 2001
Introduction to Ecology's new shoreline master program guidelines 01-06-004January 2001
Washington State Coastal Zone Management Program Section 309 Assessment and Strategy, 2001 Assessment 01-06-003January 2001
Public Review Notice: Ecology Wants Your Comments on Draft Coastal Management Assessment 01-06-002January 2001
Watershed Assessments and Water Rights Decision-Making 00-06-002January 2001