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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Coastal Bluffs and Sea Cliffs on Puget Sound, Washington 04-06-029November 2004
Public Opinion on Shoreline Management in Washington State 04-06-028November 2004
Focus on: Best Available Science for Wetlands 04-06-026August 2004
DRAFT Wetlands in Washington State, Volume 2: Guidance for Protecting and Managing Wetlands 04-06-024August 2004
Ecology Report: Restoration Planning and the 2003 Shoreline Management Guidelines 04-06-022June 2004
Wetlands Update on Best Available Science Projects 04-06-021June 2004
Ecology Report: What Does No Net Loss Mean in the 2003 SMA Guidelines 04-06-020June 2004
Map Modernization Business Plan for Washington State 0406023April 2004
Draft Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington - Revised 04-06-014April 2004
DRAFT - Guidance on Wetland Mitigation in Washington State, Part 2: Guidelines for Developing Wetland Mitigation Plans and Proposal 04-06-013bApril 2004
DRAFT - Guidance on Wetland Mitigation in Washington State, Part 1: Laws, Rules, Policies and Guidance Related to Wetland Mitigation 04-06-013aApril 2004
Floodplain Management in the State of Washington 04-06-016March 2004
Level 1 Technical Assessment: WRIA 60, Kettle River Watershed 04-06-012March 2004
Managing Our Shores: Coastal Zone Management Projects in Washington State 04-06-011March 2004
Watershed Management Plan - Nisqually (WRIA11) 03-06-030March 2004
State Environmental Policy Act Handbook 98-114January 2004
Focus on finishing and using local watershed plans 04-06-02January 2004
Update - Eastern Washington Watershed Planning 04-06-009January 2004
Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement - Georgia Strait Crossing Project 04-06-008January 2004
Focus on finishing and using local watershed plans 04-06-002January 2004
2003 Updates to the 1998 SEPA Handbook 04-06-001January 2004