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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Benefit, Cost, and Least Burdensome Analysis for the Shoreline Management Act Rules Update, Chapters 173-18, 173-20, 173-22, and 173-27 WAC 06-06-031December 2006
Public Notice: Coastal Zone Management Program Routine Program Change Determination 06-06-029December 2006
Status of the Wetland Mitigation Banking Pilot ProgramDecember, 2006 Status Report 06-06-026December 2006
Implementation Plan for the Adoption of Amendments to Chapters 173-18, 173-20, 173-22, 173-27. 06-06-030October 2006
Focus on Application of the 2003 Shoreline Master Program Guidelines to Limited Master Program Amendments 04-06-018September 2006
Rule Proposal Notice: Amendment of Shoreline Management Act rules Chapters 173-18, 173-20, 173-22, 173-27 WAC 06-06-021August 2006
Small Business Economic Impact Statement for the Proposed Shoreline Management Act Rules Update: Chapter 173-18, 173-20, 173-22, and 173-27 WAC 06-06-019August 2006
Preliminary Benefit, Cost, and Least Burdensome Analysis for the Proposed Shoreline Management Act Rules Update: Chapter 173-18, 173-20, 173-22, and 173-27 WAC 06-06-018August 2006
Washington State Coastal Zone Management Program Section 309 Assessment and Strategy, Fourth Round 06-06-001August 2006
Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington (2004 Version, Annotated 2006) 04-06-025August 2006
National Coastal Wetland Conservation Grant ApplicationNooksack River: Smuggler’s Slough Estuary Restoration 0706007June 2006
National Coastal Wetland Conservation Grant ApplicationLower Tarboo Creek Wetland Acquisition and Floodplain Restoration - Phase II 0706006June 2006
Liberty Lake Watershed Pledge 06-06-024June 2006
Wetland Mitigation in Washington State: Part 2 - Developing Mitigation Plans 06-06-011bMarch 2006
Wetland Mitigation in Washington State - Part 1: Agency Policies and Guidance (Version 1) 06-06-011aMarch 2006
Responses to Comments - Draft Guidance on Wetland Mitigation in Washington State 06-06-012February 2006
Draft Protecting Aquatic ResourcesResponses to Comments - Using Landscape Characterization: A Guide for Puget Sound Planner 06-06-009February 2006
Frequently Asked Questions - Wetland Rating System for Western Washington 06-06-004January 2006
Streams Coloring Poster (11x17) 06-06-003January 2006