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Water Quality (1653 publications 1985-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Wastewater Discharge Permit Fee Program: Report to the Legislature, State Fiscal Biennium 1993-95 95-085December 1995
1994 Washington Water Quality Assessment 305(b) Report WQ-95-65ASeptember 1995
Small Business Economic Impact Statement -- 1995 NPDES and State General Permits for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities and Construction Activities 95-67September 1995
Land Use and Water Quality Mission Creek Little Mission Creek Sub-Basins - Lower Hood Canal 95-072September 1995
Review of Six Potato Processing Facilities in the Columbia Basin 95-090January 1995
Prevent Stormwater Pollution at Log Yards/Best Management Practices 95-053January 1995