Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Warden Aquifer Test
| OFTR 77-07 | December 1977 |
Aquifer Test On Well 18/25-15E In Grant County, Washington
| OFTR 77-06 | December 1977 |
Environmental Impact Statement - John Day/McNary Pools, Columbia River
| 77-11-004 | December 1977 |
Walla Walla River Basin Water Resources Management Program
| 77-11-001 | December 1977 |
Aquifer Test, Martin Wells, Okanogan County, Washington
| OFTR 77-09 | October 1977 |
Clallam County Test Observation Well
| OFTR 77-01 | October 1977 |
Final Environmental Impact Statement - Colville River Basin Management Plan and Regulation
| 77-11-005 | August 1977 |
Water Resources Management Program, Basin Program Series 5: Colville River Basin
| 77-11-002 | August 1977 |
Aquifer Test of Flowing Wells in the Parke Creek Area
| OFTR 77-04 | July 1977 |
Well-Spring Interference Problem, T18N/R20E-29, Klickitat County, Washington
| OFTR 77-05 | April 1977 |
Ground-Water Conditions in the Area of Swan Creek, Pierce County
| OFTR 77-08 | March 1977 |
Washington's Water Resources Recommendations to the Legislature - January 1977
| 77-11-003 | January 1977 |