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Lakes (532 publications 1955-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Concentrations of Chemical Contaminants and Bioassay Response to Sediments in Salmon Bay, Seattle: Results of Phase III Sampling 00-03-053December 2000
Water Quality Assessments of Selected Lakes within Washington State: 1998 00-03-039December 2000
Lake Washington School District Plant & Facilities #94 00-09-010November 2000
Moses Lake Proposed Phosphorus Criterion and Preliminary Load Allocations Based on Historical Review 00-03-036October 2000
2000 Washington State Water Quality Assessment -- Section 305(b) Report 00-10-058August 2000
Saltwater Intrusion in Salmon Bay and Lake Union Sediments 00-03-032August 2000
Review of Sediment Quality Data for the Similkameen River 00-03-027July 2000
Focus Sheet: Lake Management Using Herbicides with IPM: Public Review and Open House Forums Planned 00-10-034June 2000
Lower Skagit River Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Submittal Report -- Water Cleanup Plan 00-10-010June 2000
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance Program 1999 Activity Report 00-03-018May 2000
Focus Sheet: Salmon Creek water cleanup planning update 00-10-013March 2000
Water Quality Assessments of Selected Lakes within Washington State: 1997 00-03-009March 2000