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Rivers and Streams (281 publications 1964-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Progress Report on Survey of Metals Concentrations in the Similkameen River. 95-e07November 1995
Metals Concentrations in Rivers and Streams Dropped from the 1994 Section 303(d) List 95-352September 1995
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Wateryear 1994 95-349September 1995
Impacts of the Spokane Wastewater Treatment Plant in Spokane River Including Recommended NPDES Limits for Chorine and Ammonia. 85-e01August 1995
Description of Spatial Analyses in Support of Columbia Gorge TMDL Projects. 95-e18June 1995
GIS Analysis, Yakima River Suspended Sediment TMDL Evaluation. 95-e17June 1995