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Rivers and Streams (281 publications 1964-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Signal vs Noise for Watershed Health Monitoring Habitat Metrics, 2009-2019 22-03-029November 2022
6PPD in Road Runoff: Assessment and Mitigation Strategies 22-03-020October 2022
Survey of Phthalates in Washington State Waterbodies, 2021 22-03-027September 2022
Standard Operating Procedure EAP073, Version 2.5, Minimum Requirements for the Collection of Freshwater Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Streams and Rivers 22-03-212August 2022
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lower Yakima River Monitoring to Support Continuous Water Quality Gaging 22-03-111August 2022
Standard Operating Procedure EAP032, Version 2.2: Collection and Analysis of Conductivity Samples 22-03-209March 2022
Standard Operating Procedure EAP106, Version 2.0, Verification and Layout of Sites (Narrow Protocol) 22-03-204March 2022
Standard Operating Procedure EAP114, Version 1.4, Estimating Substrate Sizes and Embeddedness at Major Transects 22-03-203March 2022
Standard Operating Procedure EAP097, Version 1.2, Collection of Longitudinal Stream Depth Profiles 22-03-202March 2022
Spokane River PCBs in Biofilm, Sediment, and Invertebrates, 2018 and 2019: Screening Study Results 22-03-002March 2022
Focus on: Watershed Health Monitoring 2022 22-03-010January 2022