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Manito Shopping Center Site - Ecology Proposes to Remove Site from Hazardous Sites List

Publication number Date Published
09-09-026July 2009
VIEW NOW Manito Shopping Center Site - Ecology Proposes to Remove Site from Hazardous Sites List (Number of pages: 4) (Publication Size: 531KB)

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Author(s) Carol Bergin
Description The Manito Shopping Center site is located at 802 East 29th Ave in Spokane, Washington. It is made up of two parcels in the western parking lot near the Pear Tree Inn, WA State Liquor Store and Red Carpet & Cruise. Contractors addressed petroleum product and dry cleaning chemicals in soil under portions of the parking lot. This work was completed under Ecology's Voluntary Cleanup Program. Ecology plans to removed the site from the Hazardous Sites List as a result of the completed work.

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Keywords hazardous sites list
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