Title | Puget Sound Initiative Fidalgo and Padilla Bays |
Puget Sound Initiative Fidalgo and Padilla Bays (Number of pages: 2) (Publication Size: 654KB)
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Author(s) | Arianne Fernandez | ||||
Description | Together, we are making great progresstoward meeting cleanup and restorationgoals by 2020. The Puget Sound Initiativeuses focused energy and funding toclean up some of our most contaminatedwaterfront sites. In Anacortes, localtribes, businesses, property owners, andlocal, state and federal agencies worktogether to restore the waterfront. Thisunique baywide collaboration means morecleanups and restoration efforts happenfaster. Already this effort has cleaned sixold industrial sites and restored severalwaterfront areas, with further cleanupunderway at five sites. With each sitecleanup, we are one step closer to creatinga waterfront where people, shipbuilding,marinas, parks, recreation, housing,fishing, cultural practices, fish and wildlifecan thrive. | ||||
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Contact | Arianne Fernandez at 360-407-7209 or Arianne.fernandez@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | bay, cleanup, MTCA, marine, waterfront |
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