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Tausia o lou Fale ma le Aiga ia Soifua Maloloina Lelei: Faaitiitia le aafia i le PFAS (Samoan)

Publication number Date Published Date Revised
20-04-043SMJuly 2021May 2024
VIEW NOW Tausia o lou Fale ma le Aiga ia Soifua Maloloina Lelei: Faaitiitia le aafia i le PFAS (Samoan) (Number of pages: 4) (Publication Size: 3242KB)

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Author(s) Washington State Department of Ecology; Froese, Ruth; Tamboer, Lauren; van Bergen, Saskia
Description O PFAS o se vaega o kemikolo o’ona o loo maua ia tatou oloa gaosi, i fale, tino, ma le si’osi’omaga ma e le mafai ona atoatoa le mou ese atu. O nisi nei o laasaga e mafai ona e faia e faaitiitia ai faamata’uga o le PFAS i lou fale.
NOTES This is the Samoan translation of publication 20-04-043, Keeping Your Home and Family Healthy: Reduce Your Exposure to PFAS.
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Keywords PFAS, SPWA, contaminants, drinking water, water, contamination, per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, Safer Products for Washington, Safer Products
WEB PAGE Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

Ola Maloloina Lelei e Amata i le Fale (Samoan)

Keeping your home and family healthy: Reduce your exposure to PFAS

Tausia o lou Fale ma le Aiga ia Soifua Maloloina Lelei: Faaitiitia lou aafia i mea e lē mumū sasao i le afi (Samoan)