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Keeping Your Home and Family Healthy: Reduce Your Exposure to Harmful Chemicals in Self-Care Products

Publication number Date Published
22-04-038October 2022
VIEW NOW Keeping Your Home and Family Healthy: Reduce Your Exposure to Harmful Chemicals in Self-Care Products (Number of pages: 4) (Publication Size: 2485KB)

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Author(s) Washington State Department of Ecology; Mother Africa; Ruth Froese; Lauren Tamboer; Autumn Falls
Description Manufacturers can use toxic chemicals in self-care products. This brochure defines self-care products, explains why manufacturers use harmful chemicals in these products, and describes how exposure happens. Possible outcomes and ways to reduce your exposure are listed.
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Keywords exposure, toxic chemicals, phthalates, fragrance, self-care products
WEB PAGE Safer Products for Washington resources

Spanish: Elimine el misterio de seleccionar cosméticos más seguros

Korean: 더 안전한 화장품을 선택하는 데 수고를 덜 수 있습니다

Vietnamese: Hãy bỏ công sức tìm hiểu để lựa chọn mỹ phẩm an toàn hơn

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2022 Safer Personal Care Products Workshops

Mantenga su hogar y su familia sanos: Reduzca su exposición a sustancias químicas nocivas en productos de cuidado personal (Spanish)

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