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An Aquatic Plant Identification Manual for Washington's Freshwater Plants

Publication number Date Published
01-10-032June 2001
VIEW NOW An Aquatic Plant Identification Manual for Washington's Freshwater Plants (Number of pages: 1) (Publication Size: 8KB)

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Author(s) Kathy Hamel, Jenifer Parsons, Marc Boule, Sharon Feldman, Ingrid Wertz and Lizzie Zempke
Description The purpose of this manual is to help with identifying aquatic plants that are likely to be seen in Washington's freshwater lakes and rivers. This manual has been written for people who do not have a scientific background, but it also should be useful for professionals who need assistance in identifying aquatic species. While the published version is no longer available, see below for an online reference.
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Keywords freshwater plants, identification manual, lake plants, aquatic weeds, identification, manual, lakes, river, plan, purple loosestrife, lake, freshwater, Eurasian watermilfoil, aquatic, aquatic plants
WEB PAGE Aquatic Plant Identification Manual for Washington's Freshwater Plants - online

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