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Focus on Cap and Invest Program Linkage

Publication number Date Published Date Revised
23-14-004October 2023July 2024
VIEW NOW Focus on Cap and Invest Program Linkage (Number of pages: 2) (Publication Size: 674KB)

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Author(s) Climate Commitment Act Implementation Group
Description The Climate Commitment Act directs Ecology to evaluate whether to link Washington’s carbon market with those of other jurisdictions and provides specific criteria that must be met to do so. Washington is in the process of determining whether to link our carbon markets with California and Québec's market. If we decide to pursue linkage, it will be a multi-year process and there would be several additional opportunities for public input before a final decision to link is made.
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Contact Stephanie Potts at 425-466-5358 or
Keywords public participation, Climate Commitment Act, carbon offsets, carbon market, air pollutants, climate change, air pollution, cap and invest, cap-and-invest, linkage

Share your comments: Cap-and-Invest Linkage Agreement

Cap-and-Invest: Confidentiality and market sensitivity