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Resource for Complying with the Safer Products for Washington Rule: Electric and Electronic Products

Publication number Date Published
24-04-015April 2024
VIEW NOW Resource for Complying with the Safer Products for Washington Rule: Electric and Electronic Products (Number of pages: 9) (Publication Size: 468KB)

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Author(s) Washington State Department of Ecology
Description Chapter 173-337 WAC establishes a regulatory program to reduce toxic chemicals in consumer products and increase product ingredient transparency, as directed by Chapter 70A.350 RCW. This document is a resource to help businesses that manufacture electric and electronic products comply with the rule.
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Keywords electronics, orca, flame retardants, safer alternatives, flame retardant, priority products, electric enclosures, device casing, electric, OFR, organohalogen flame retardants, external plastic enclosure, priority chemicals, Safer Products for Washington, Safer Products
WEB PAGE Safer Products for Washington

Spanish/Español: Recurso de proceso de solicitud de exención de restricciones y presentación de informes del Programa de Productos más Seguros: Capítulo 173-337 del WAC

면제 요청 절차 자료 안전한 제품 제한 및 보고: WAC 173-337장 (Korean)

Nguồn tài liệu quy trình yêu cầu miễn trừ Báo cáo và Hạn chế Sản phẩm An toàn hơn: Chương 173-337 WAC (Vietnamese)

豁免申请流程资源更安全产品限制和申报:第 173-337 章 WAC (Chinese)

Exemption Request Process Resource: Safer Products Restrictions and Reporting, Chapter 173-337 WAC

Recurso para el cumplimiento de la norma Productos más seguros para Washington: Productos eléctricos y electrónicos (Spanish)

워싱턴 주의 안전한 제품 규정 준수를 위한 자료: 전기 및 전자제품 (Korean)

Информационный ресурс по обеспечению соответствия постановлению Safer Products for Washington (Безопасные продукты для штата Вашингтон). Электротехнические и электронные изделия (Russian)

Інформаційний ресурс щодо дотримання закону в межах програми Safer Products for Washington (Безпечні вироби для штату Вашингтон). Електричні та електронні прилади (Ukrainian)

Nguồn tài liệu để Tuân thủ Quy định Sản phẩm An toàn hơn cho Washington: Sản phẩm điện và điện tử (Vietnamese)

了解如何遵守为华盛顿提供更安全的商品法规的资源: 电气及电子产品 (Chinese)

「Safer Products for Washington(ワシントン州のより安全な製品)規則:電気・電子製品」に準拠するためのリソース (Japanese)

Safer Products for Washington Cycle 1: Adopted Rule Highlights

Regulatory Determinations Report to the Legislature: Safer Products for Washington Cycle 1 Implementation Phase 3