Warning: station may be affected by ice during periods of extreme cold weather.
During extreme cold weather, river stage may be affected by ice. As a result of the changing channel characteristics, incorrect discharge data will be computed from the stage data. Please review associated water and air temperature data where available.
Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA)
Station Name
Open Map
Type:T Telemetry | SA Stand Alone | MSH Manual Stage Height
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Station 45F070 Photo(s)
Station 45F070 Description
Peshastin Creek originates at Blewett Pass and flows into the Wenatchee River at river mile 17.9, downstream of the town of Peshastin. Situated in the lower portion of the Wenatchee Subbasin, the Peshastin Creek watershed is more arid than those tributaries closer to the Cascade Crest. The US Forest Service manages approximately 80% of the watershed with the remaining 20% in private ownership. Land use includes timber harvest, road development, mining, agriculture, residential development, and recreation. This station is located approximately one mile from the mouth.
Station 45F070
Period of Record: Sep 2002 - Present
Seven-day graph
Parameter Seven-day graph is unavailable.
Water-year graph
Parameter Water-year graph is unavailable.
Mean Data table
Parameter Mean data table is unavailable.
15-minute data table
Parameter 15-minute data table is unavailable.
Station 45F070 - Historical data (all links open in a new window)