This station records lake level only. Adjudicated Lake level = 86.33 ft on the graph (NAVD 88 Datum)
Warning: station may be affected by ice during periods of extreme cold weather.
During extreme cold weather, river stage may be affected by ice. As a result of the changing channel characteristics, incorrect discharge data will be computed from the stage data. Please review associated water and air temperature data where available.
Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA)
Station Name
Open Map
Type:T Telemetry | SA Stand Alone | MSH Manual Stage Height
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Station LOOST1 Photo(s)
Station LOOST1 Description
In June 2006, the Washington State Department of Ecology, in cooperation with the Stevens County Public Utility District installed a real-time lake level gage in Loon Lake. This gage is used by Ecology, Stevens County Public Utility District, and Loon Lake Sewer District No. 4 to manage the lake level and estimate needed discharge from the lake during spring and summer months. The maximum lake level of 2381.25ft (NGVD 1929) was fixed by order of the Stevens County Superior Court in February 24th 1950. This is equal to 2386.33 ft (NGVD 88). The Ecology gage references the lake surface elevation based on the Granite Point bench mark of 2388.73 ft. (NGVD 88).
This gage provides water resource managers and the public an avenue to observe real time lake level conditions. Having this information will help prevent property damage, help estimate water availability, and help determine lake outlet discharges.
Station LOOST1
Period of Record: Jun 2005 - Present
Seven-day graph
Parameter Seven-day graph is unavailable.
Water-year graph
Parameter Water-year graph is unavailable.
Mean Data table
Parameter Mean data table is unavailable.
15-minute data table
Parameter 15-minute data table is unavailable.
Station LOOST1 - Historical data (all links open in a new window)