Observation Form

This form is for reporting any violation of the new state plastic bag ban that you have observed.

Thank you taking the time to notify Ecology. We will follow up by contacting the observed business and working with the management to comply with the law. Repeated non-compliance may result in up to a $250 per day fine.

The following plastic and paper bag violations can be reported:

  • Business using single-use plastic bags.
  • Re-usable plastic bags not labeled with and/or meeting proper specifications (2.25 mil thickness, re-usability, 40% recycled content).
  • Paper bags not labeled with and/or meeting proper specifications (40% recycled content).
  • Business not charging 8 cent pass-through charge on paper and reusable plastic bags.
  • Business charging food benefits customers (EBT, SNAP, WIC, TANF, FAP)

The bag ban law does not apply on Tribal Lands. Please do not submit complaints about businesses located on Tribal Lands.

Please submit violations for specific business locations. Do not report parent companies or multiple business locations, complaints will not be responded to.

The contents of this form, once submitted, may be subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Act (RCW 42.56).

About You

Observed Violation