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Washington State Water Quality Assessment
303(d)/305(b) List
Approved WQ Assessment
Draft List
Contact Us
WQ Atlas
Release Notes
Version 6
6.0.6 (February) - Order Remarks by date descending (both on the page and in the exported file).
6.0.5 (January 2025) - Updates related to Comments.
Updated the header on the Draft/Candidate Search page now that the review period is complete.
6.0.4 (December 2024) - Added text to Public Comments indicating if they came from the Approved or Draft/Candidate List.
Fixed an issue on the "Contact Us" page where the Listing Id was incorrectly required.
6.0.3 (October 2024) - Recreated the "Entire 2022 Draft WQ Assessment" Excel Spreadsheet to correct some Listings that incorrectly spanned multiple rows.
6.0.2 (August 2024) - Updated a few instances of "2018" to "2022" in preparation for the Draft List.
Also recreated the "Entire 2022 List" spreadsheet on the Draft/Candidate Export page.
6.0.1 (June 2024) - Fixed ordering of WQAA Dynamic Data fields.
Corrected an issue where some Listings failed to load due to WQAA Dynamic Data fields.
6.0.0 (April 2024) - Updated to be fully accessible.
Version 5
5.2.1 (January 2024) - Reversed the order of the Basis Table information on the View Listing page.
Added Category 2022 to the Candidate/Draft Export page.
Approved Search page no longer changes available Categories when selecting "Sediment" as the Medium.
Approved Search appropriately filters by Sample Collection Date and 1996/1998 Categories.
Approved Search export includes the Sample Collection Date.
5.2.0 (November 2023) - Several updates to the search function to alleviate time-out errors.
5.1.2 (September 2023) - Updated the help text associated with Basis Table information.
5.1.1 (August 2023) - Fixed an issue when searching for WQIs in some situations.
5.1.0 (July 2023) - Fixed a broken link to the View Listing page.
Rewrote the Help Pop-up for accessibility.
5.0.1 (March 2023) - Added more error logging to help identify time-out issues.
5.0.0 (August 2022) - Published the new EPA Approved List.
Version 4
4.2.2 (April 2022) - Rewrote the search function to prevent time-out errors.
4.2.1 (March 2022) - Created the WQAA Category Year field. On the View Listing page, rows with that field set to "True" are highlighted.
Updated validation of the Listing ID(s) on the Search page.
4.2.0 (Dec 2021) - Updated the Basis Tables to collapse rows within each Cycle Assessment Year.
4.1.0 (October 2021) - Updated the database so that a Listing does not link directly to a County, WRIA, or Waterbody. The Listing links to an Assessment Unit, which then links to those items.
Corrected the language on the "Location" help text pop-up.
4.0.0 (August 2021) - Updated the database so that each Listing ID has a unique combination of Medium, Parameter, Assessment Unit, and Designated Use.
Version 3
3.1.3 (April 2021) - Removed the "Listing Status" field from the Excel download of the Entire 2018 List.
3.1.2 (March 2021) - Updated the header and footer of every page for accessibility.
Corrected an issue searching for Study IDs that contain a space.
Corrected the logic around searching for multiple Categories.
Corrected the styles on the Maintenance page.
3.1.1 (February 2021) - Removed Sediment Collection Dates from the Draft/Candidate List.
3.1.0 (January 2021) - Resolved an issue with the Current Category on the Draft/Candidate Search and Search Results pages.
Updated the welcome message at the top of the Draft/Candidate Search page.
Hid the Basis Table fields from the Draft/Candidate Search page and the Draft/Candidate Export page.
Copied the Search Help tips from the Approved Search page onto the Draft/Candidate Search page.
Updated Category pop-up help tool-tips to use the Snapshot Label.
Fixed the View Listing page to not display a single empty Basis Table row.
Fixed an issue where only spaces are entered in a textbox on the search page causes the search to fail.
Removed "Listing Status" as a selectable field on the Draft/Candidate Export page.
3.0.4 (Nov 2020) - Updated header language on the Draft/Candidate Search page.
Updated the language in the Candidate Year tool-tip.
Added "None Selected" option in drop-down lists on the General Comments page.
3.0.3 (Oct 2020) - Fixed an issue when searching with a selection in all Categories.
Fixed an issue where searching for a Waterbody Type excludes some Listings (Approved List only).
3.0.2 (Aug 2020) - Corrected issue of space in Study & Locations appearing as "+".
If app cannot connect to the Database, then send to Maintenance page.
3.0.1 (Aug 2020) - Updated link to EIM Study & Locations.
Updated link to Listing in email sent after submitting a comment.
3.0.0 (July 2020) - Replaced all drop-down lists for accessibility.
Changed "Listed in 1996" and "Listed in 1998" to radio buttons.
Replaced UI tables on View Listing pages with CSS.
Version 2
2.1.2 (July 2020) - Several bug fixes to Approved Pages.
2.1.1 (June 2020) - Added page in location of old home page to inform users about new URL (ApprovedWQA/ApprovedSearch.aspx)
Removed several unused fields.
Fixed spacing on ViewListing page when fields don't match labels because of multiple AU Components.
2.1.0 (May 2020) - Upgraded to .NET 4.8.
Updated Approved pages to current data structure.
2.0.1 (May 2020) - Restructured Data Sources.
2.0.0 (April 2020) - Added Draft/Candidate pages to this app.
Dynamically change "Draft/Candidate" label based on selection in Internal WATS ("Snapshot label").
Updated Candidate pages to use Basis Table.
Restructured Assessment Units, Grid Cells, and Reach Codes.
Version 1
1.0.7 (8/2/2017) - Updated user authentication.
Fixed error when searching for text in Remarks.
1.0.6 (7/5/2017) - Fixed error when searching for text in Basis statements.
1.0.5 (4/1/2017) - Made export feature more efficient.
1.0.4 (2/1/2017) - Added validation on Listing ID text box.
1.0.3 (12/7/2016) - Minor bug fixes. Corrected WRIA & County information as needed.
1.0.2 (9/16/2016) - Migrated database to new server.
1.0.1 (9/7/2016) - Removed Category 3 from drop-down list on Search Page.
Fixed error of sorting search results automatically adding in Category 3s.
1.0.0 (8/2/2016) - ApprovedWQA application went on-line