The Grays River at the covered bridge is a stage-only streamflow gage. Flow has not been measured at this site since 2015. Stage values report as elevation above sea level. The reference elevation, or vertical datum, for this gage was updated to the NAVD88 datum. Stage values are now 16.65 feet higher than similar historic water elevations. This change was made on all stage data after October 1, 2023.
Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA)
Station Name
Open Map
Type:T Telemetry | SA Stand Alone | MSH Manual Stage Height
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Station 25B060 Photo(s)
Station 25B060 Description
The Grays River streamflow gage is located at the historic covered bridge. This gage provides a reliable measurement of water elevation (“stage”) for the middle reach of the Grays River. Wahkiakum County funds the operation of this streamflow gage and the National Weather Service’s Grays River flood forecast is based on this stage record.
The Grays River begins in the Willapa Hills and empties into the Columbia River. Huckleberry and Long ridges divide the headwaters of the Grays River from the upper Chehalis, Willapa, and Naselle river watersheds. The Grays River streamflow gage is located 10.5 miles upstream of the confluence with the Columbia River. The watershed area above the gage is roughly 94 square miles. The mouth of the Grays River opens into Grays Bay adjacent to the mouth of the Deep River.
There is an additional 30 square miles of tributary stream watersheds that drain into the Grays River downstream of this streamflow gage. This lower watershed is 24% of the total Grays River watershed area. Most farms and residences on the Grays River are located in the lower watershed.
The Grays River supports chinook salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, and steelhead.
Station 25B060
Period of Record: Jan 2005 - Present
Seven-day graph
Parameter Seven-day graph is unavailable.
Water-year graph
Parameter Water-year graph is unavailable.
Mean Data table
Parameter Mean data table is unavailable.
15-minute data table
Parameter 15-minute data table is unavailable.
Station 25B060 - Historical data (all links open in a new window)