Study Details

Study ID:  AJOH0038

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Study Basics

Study IDAJOH0038
Study NameMetals Contamination in Lake Roosevelt (EIM Study ID ROOSVMET was removed from EIM on 08-16-2012 because it contained duplicate data)
EIM Data Entry Review StatusReviewed
Study TypeGeneral environmental study
Study PurposeMetals-primarily zinc, copper, lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury- were analyzed in sediment and water samples from the lake and its tributaries, and in a variety of the lake's fish species.
Field Collection Date Range5/13/1986 - 9/26/1986
Data First/Last Loaded Date
Data Last Updated Date
Ecology Program or Other Responsible EntityEcy Environmental Assessment Program
Ecology ContactArt Johnson
Ecology Monitoring Program
Submitting Organization
Study QA Planning LevelLEVEL 3: QAPP, SAP, or Equivalent.
Study QA Project Plan Description
Study QA Assessment LevelLevel 5: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability in a Peer-Reviewed Study Report
Study Result Description
Study CommentEIM Study ID ROOSVMET was removed from EIM on 08-16-2012 because it contained duplicate data from this Study. Bioassay results were not included in this EIM Study. Table 8 in the report shows the results from bioassays of selected Lake Roosevelt sediment samples. Because of issues explained in the report, the bioassay results should not be considered conclusive.
Linked Study
Ecology Funding Number
Ecology Facility/Site ID
Ecology Cleanup Site ID
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type)ROOSVMET (Former Study ID from assimilated Study)

Study Data Summary (Record Count or Type)