EIM's new Help Center is a central location where you can find comprehensive help for using Ecology’s Environmental Information Management System (EIM). The EIM Help Center consolidates all of our data entry templates and guidance, training videos and materials, EIM news and FAQ’s, valid values lookup, data dictionary, and contact information.
Additional changes
1. Retirement of Validate and Export template tools. These were popular tools, but they were getting old and hard to maintain. Also, too many users had issues with the macros that ran these tools.
2. No more XML files! Since the Export tool that generated XML files has been retired, EIM Loader will now only accept CSV files. Just save your template as a CSV file. This should make your uploads easier and faster. Files that have already been uploaded to the Loader are not affected by this change.
3. Check Data replaces template Validate tool. Since the Validate tool has been retired, use Check Data in EIM Loader once you have uploaded your template. The valid value lookup tab is still in the template.
4. Template help changes. We moved the template help documents from Excel to PDF format for accessibility reasons. The layout is also slightly different. We split field requirements, type, and size into separate columns. We also put a document revision history in each template help document.
5. New name for EIM Submittal Guidelines. The EIM Submittal Guidelines document is now called “How to Submit Data to EIM.”
6. Navigation overhaul. We made all the navigation the same across EIM Search, Submit Data/Loader, MyEIM, and Help. Navigation for each EIM application (e.g. Help Center) is in the top blue bar – this helps you move around within a particular application. Universal EIM navigation is at the bottom of the page, to help you move between EIM applications.