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Training Material
Our videos were recorded at on-site training for Ecology partners and clients. They are very informative. We highly recommend watching them.
Ecology staff – go to the Ecology Intranet to see the staff versions of these videos.
Training Videos
Submitting Data
1 - Introduction to EIM (21:49)
Introduction to EIM, the Data Coordinators, system changes that took effect in July 2013, and data submittal and help overview.
2 - Submitting Study Information (13:00)
Outlines what information you need to enter for an EIM Study and how to do that, using a form in the Loader.
3 - Preparing Location Data (29:04)
Describes each column in the EIM Location spreadsheet and how to enter your data.
4 - Lat/Long/Elevation & NHD Finder Tool (14:11)
Get latitudes, longitudes, elevation and National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) reach and measure using the EIM map.
5 - Preparing Results Data (42:03)
Describes each column in the EIM Results spreadsheet and how to enter your data.
6 - Preparing Time-Series Data (11:24)
Describes each column in the EIM Time-Series spreadsheet and how to enter your data.
7 - Importing Locations and Results Files (19:44)
Describes how to use the Loader to import your Location and Results data into EIM. Includes using the check data tool.
8 - Importing Time-Series Files (12:00)
Describes how to use the Loader to import your time series data.
Searching Data
1 - Searching for Data (23:15)
How to search and download data from EIM.
Groundwater Data
1 - EIM Groundwater Introduction and Background (18:33)
2 - Searching, Loading, and Editing Groundwater Data (1:05:36)
Demo of EIM Groundwater Search, Loader (staff version), and Editor (staff only).
3 - Post-Processing Examples: ArcMap, R-Script, RockPlot (18:24)
Looking at water levels and water quality data on local and regional scales.
4 - Wrap-Up and On-Deck Improvements (8:28)
Training Documents
Manuals and Checklists
How to Submit Data to EIM (for public users)
Steps for making an account and submitting data