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Study Basics

Study NameAmerican Plating Post-Interim-Action Groundwater Monitoring Results
EIM Data Entry Review StatusReviewed
Study TypePerformance monitoring for emergency or interim cleanup action at contaminated site
Study PurposePost-Interim-Action Groundwater Monitoring Results
Field Collection Date Range3/16/2003 - 9/26/2011
Data First/Last Loaded Date
Data Last Updated Date
Ecology Program or Other Responsible EntityEcy Environmental Assessment Program
Ecology ContactPam Marti
Ecology Monitoring Program
Submitting Organization
Study QA Planning LevelLEVEL 4: Approved QAPP or SAP.
Study QA Project Plan Description
Study QA Assessment LevelLevel 5: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability in a Peer-Reviewed Study Report
Study Result Description
Study CommentSoil sample locations are estimated locations based geoengineers Interim Action TCLP Metals Figure 4
Linked Study
Ecology Funding Number
Ecology Facility/Site ID1202
Ecology Cleanup Site ID2539
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type)

Study Data Summary (Record Count or Type)


Study Documents and Publications

Linked Publications (10)

Linked Documents (18)

 TitleDate Ecology ProgramType

Group: Legal

  American Plating Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree Re: 2110 East D Street, Tacoma, Washington 12/30/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsConsent Decree
  American Plating Consent Decree 12/31/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsConsent Decree
  American Plating Environmental Covenant 10/28/2014TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsEnvironmental Covenant; Alternative Mechanism
  American Plating No Further Action Letter 06/30/2015TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsNFA Letter – non-VCP

Group: Public Information

  American Plating Fact SheetConsent Decree for Cleanup Proposed 11/01/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsFact Sheet\Public Notices
  American Plating 2011 Fact Sheet 09/01/2011TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsFact Sheet\Public Notices
  Fact Sheet 02/19/2015TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsFact Sheet\Public Notices

Group: State Environmental Policy Act

  American Plating SEPA Checklist 11/17/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSEPA Documents
  American Plating Determination of Non-significance 11/28/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSEPA Documents

Group: Technical Reports

  AMERICAN PLATING Site Hazard Assessment 08/01/1997TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSite Hazard Assessment Report
  Final Interim Action Plan 04/25/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsInterim Action Documents
  American Plating Draft Final Cleanup Action Plan 11/24/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsCleanup Action Plan
  American Plating Post-Interim-Action Groundwater Monitoring Results: May and September, 2008 11/25/2009TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsGroundwater Monitoring Report
  American Plating Post-Interim-Action Groundwater Monitoring Results: May and November, 2009 09/21/2010TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsGroundwater Monitoring Report
  American Plating Post-Interim-Action Groundwater Monitoring Results: April and October, 2010 02/28/2011TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsGroundwater Monitoring Report
  Engineering Design Report 01/27/2012TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsEngineering Design Report
  American Plating Post-Interim-Action Groundwater Monitoring Results: May and September, 2011 02/23/2012TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsGroundwater Monitoring Report
  American Plating Remedial Action Report 05/14/2013TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsRemedial Action Report