Study ID | WSTMP05 |
Study Name | Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Exploratory Monitoring 2005. |
EIM Data Entry Review Status | Reviewed |
Study Type | General environmental study |
Study Purpose | The goal of this project is to investigate the occurrence and concentrations of toxic contaminants in edible fish tissue from freshwater environments in Washington where recent data are absent. |
Field Collection Date Range | 3/1/2005 - 11/29/2005 |
Data First/Last Loaded Date |  |
Data Last Updated Date |  |
Ecology Program or Other Responsible Entity | Ecy Environmental Assessment Program |
Ecology Contact | Keith Seiders |
Ecology Monitoring Program | Freshwater Fish Contaminants |
Submitting Organization | |
Study QA Planning Level | LEVEL 4: Approved QAPP or SAP. |
Study QA Project Plan Description | Quality Assurance Project Plan: Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program, Exploratory Monitoring of Toxic Contaminants in Edible Fish Tissue and Freshwater Environments of Washington State (ECY pub # 02-03-65). |
Study QA Assessment Level | Level 5: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability in a Peer-Reviewed Study Report |
Study Result Description | The following EIM studies are related, search EIM for the following EIM User Study Id's if interested: WSTMP05, DOHLW05, HgFish05, DSER0016, AJOH0046 and AJOH0048. The studies may share locations, fish samples, or fish measurement data. |
Study Comment | The attached publication 07-03-041 “A Comparison of Two Analytical Methods for Measuring Mercury in Fish Tissue” describes the results of a method comparison analysis between EPA245.5 & EPA245.6 for tissue samples. Historically, the lab used EPA245.5, which is designated for sediments. In 2005 the lab switched to EPA245.6, which is designated for tissue. The digestion of the matrix differs between the two methods. Because the switch was made during the time of two EAP Studies (WSTMP05 & HgFish05) EAP questioned the change in methods and wondered what the differences in the analytical results would be depending on what method was used. The lab worked to re-analyze the same tissue samples for both projects with both EPA245.5 & EPA245.6. A regression analysis on the laboratory duplicates found EPA245.5 to report mercury concentrations 25-38% lower than EPA245.6.
The EPA245.6 results were determined to be the appropriate ones to use, and they were loaded into EIM for Studies WSTMP05 & HgFish05. However, those same results were also loaded into a separate Study in EIM which housed all of the data for the comparison analyses (CFUR0001). This created duplicate data in EIM, under different Studies. On 02/01/2016 the CFUR0001 Study was removed from EIM and a Study ID Alias of CFUR0001 was added to WSTMP05. All of the EPA245.5 data from the comparison analyses can be found in the report and the EPA245.6 data can be found in either the report or WSTMP05 & HgFish05 in EIM. |
Linked Study | DSER0016 (Shared sample collection between different EIM studies. Samples may be analyzed differently for each study’s objectives, but the source material is the same.)
AJOH0046 (Shared sample collection between different EIM studies. Samples may be analyzed differently for each study’s objectives, but the source material is the same.)
Ecology Funding Number | |
Ecology Facility/Site ID | |
Ecology Cleanup Site ID | |
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor | |
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type) | CFUR0001 (Former Study ID from assimilated Study)