Study Details

Study ID:  WEHI0002

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Study IDWEHI0002
Study NameExtensive Riparian Status and Trends
EIM Data Entry Review StatusReviewed
Study TypeGeneral environmental study
Study PurposeDocumentation of the current status and future trends of maximum stream temperatures for perennial streams located on lands managed under the current Forest Practices Rules. These data will aid in the evaluation of the landscape scale effects of implementing the forest management prescriptions recommended in the 1999 Forests and Fish Report.
Field Collection Date Range6/5/2007 - 12/14/2010
Data First/Last Loaded Date
Data Last Updated Date
Ecology Program or Other Responsible EntityEcy Environmental Assessment Program
Ecology ContactBill Ehinger
Ecology Monitoring Program
Submitting Organization
Study QA Planning LevelLEVEL 4: Approved QAPP or SAP.
Study QA Project Plan DescriptionContinuous temperature monitoring of perennial fish-bearing and non-fish-bearing streams to assess thermal maximums. Water temperatures were continuously assessed at 30-minute intervals. Air temperature, riparian cover, large woody debris, and several channel metrics were also evaluated in this study.
Study QA Assessment LevelLevel 5: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability in a Peer-Reviewed Study Report
Study Result DescriptionThe report titled "Extensive Riparian Status and Trends Monitoring Program-Stream Temperature Phase I: Eastside Type F/S Monitoring Project Final Report" can be found on DNR's website:
Study CommentThe Extensive Riparian Status and Trends Stream Temperature Monitoring study consists of three parts. One part of the study monitors stream temperatures in Type F, or fish-bearing, streams east of the Cascade crest (study location name beginning with ERST_EF). The other two parts monitor stream temperatures in Type F and in Type N, or non-fish-bearing, streams west of the Cascade crest (study location names beginning with ERST_WF and ERST_WN, respectively). Data for the following locations are included in EIM, but not used in the final analysis or report: ERST_WF000580UW, ERST_WN000052DA, ERST_WN000052DW, ERST_WN000052UW, ERST_WN000102DA, ERST_WN000102DW, ERST_WN000102UW, ERST_WN000174DA, ERST_WN000174DW, ERST_WN000174EW, ERST_WN000174UW, ERST_WN000249DA, ERST_WN000249DW, ERST_WN000249UW, ERST_WN000342DA, ERST_WN000342DW, ERST_WN000342UW, ERST_WN000749DA, ERST_WN000749DW, ERST_WN000749UW, ERST_WN000866DA, ERST_WN000866DW, ERST_WN000866EW, ERST_WN000866UW, ERST_WN000870DA, ERST_WN000870DW, ERST_WN000870UW, ERST_WN000978DA, ERST_WN000978DW, ERST_WN000978EW, ERST_WN000978UW, ERST_WN001182DA, ERST_WN001182DW, ERST_WN001182EW, ERST_WN001182UW, ERST_WN001753DA, ERST_WN001753DW, and ERST_WN001753UW. In September 2023, it was determined that the probe at location ERST_WN001255EW was likely exposed to the air and was reading air temperature instead of water temperature. The dataset was updated to qualify these suspect records.
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Ecology Funding Number
Ecology Facility/Site ID
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