Study Details

Study ID:  AMS004

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Study Basics

Study IDAMS004
Study NameContinuous Stream Monitoring
EIM Data Entry Review StatusNot Reviewed
Study TypeGeneral environmental study
Study PurposeCollect diel continuous water and air temperatures statewide at most of Ecology's Ambient Stream Monitoring Stations (June - September). The data may be used to evaluate compliance with state water quality standards and interpret a station's monthly temperature data.
Field Collection Date Range6/4/2001 - 10/6/2010
Data First/Last Loaded Date
Data Last Updated Date
Ecology Program or Other Responsible EntityEcy Environmental Assessment Program
Ecology ContactStephanie Estrella
Ecology Monitoring Program
Submitting Organization
Study QA Planning LevelLEVEL 4: Approved QAPP or SAP.
Study QA Project Plan DescriptionThe accuracy and instrument bias of each temperature logger is verified through pre- and post-deployment calibration checks. Temperature loggers and a certified reference thermometer are tested in controlled water baths that bracket the expected monitoring range (near 0º C and near 20ºC). Monthly checks are conducted with a reference thermometer during deployment only at ambient stations.
Study QA Assessment LevelLevel 5: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability in a Peer-Reviewed Study Report
Study Result DescriptionPoint temperature measurements recorded at 30 minute monitoring intervals.
Study CommentThe stream water temperature data may have periods of data gaps caused by instrument malfunction or from the logger being exposed to air when flows drop below the deployment location. Data with gaps during the critical summer period may not represent seasonal maxima.
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Ecology Funding Number
Ecology Facility/Site ID
Ecology Cleanup Site ID
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type)

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