Study ID | BSAC0001 |
Study Name | Continuous Nitrate Monitoring in the Deschutes River during the 2010 Water Year |
EIM Data Entry Review Status | Reviewed |
Study Type | General environmental study |
Study Purpose | Future marine TMDL studies and water quality modeling projects in Puget Sound will need accurate and highly resolved time series of nitrate discharge from nonpoint, fluvial sources. Data collected will be analyzed statistically to determine how nitrate c |
Field Collection Date Range | 10/22/2009 - 11/22/2010 |
Data First/Last Loaded Date |  |
Data Last Updated Date |  |
Ecology Program or Other Responsible Entity | Ecy Environmental Assessment Program |
Ecology Contact | Brandon Sackmann |
Ecology Monitoring Program | |
Submitting Organization | |
Study QA Planning Level | LEVEL 3: QAPP, SAP, or Equivalent. |
Study QA Project Plan Description | |
Study QA Assessment Level | Level 4: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability in a Formal Study Report |
Study Result Description | |
Study Comment | |
Linked Study | |
Ecology Funding Number | |
Ecology Facility/Site ID | |
Ecology Cleanup Site ID | |
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor | |
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type) | |